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Fraser Books have been associated, in various capacities, with publishing well over 150 books over a 30-year period. The first was Jones on Property by Bob Jones. One of the most successful was Bread & Roses by Sonja Davies.


Some have been by politicians (Roger Douglas, Mike Moore, David Lange, Geoffrey Palmer), others have dealt with education (The Learning Revolution by Gordon Dryden/Jeanette Vos and Our Secondary Schools Don't Work Anymore by David Hood), with biography/autobiography (In Peace & War by Haddon Donald), with gardening (Gardens in the Wind by Jacob de Ruiter), with forestry (A Century of State-Honed Enterprise by Andrew Kirkland & Peter Berg) and with a number of other subject areas.


Fraser Books are publishers for the New Zealand Cartoon Archive at the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library, Wellington and the Wairarapa Archive, Masterton.

Ian and Diane Grant

Ian F. Grant ONZM

Ian was an editorial/marketing director at National Business Review through the 1970s and beyond; creative director of Wellington advertising agencies and director of the NZ Book Marketing Council. He founded the NZ Cartoon Archive at the Alexander Turnbull Library in 1992. Educated at Wellesley and Scots College and a Victoria University of Wellington graduate, he was a resident at the university's Stout Centre. The Alexander Turnbull Library's first Adjunct Scholar, Ian was awarded the Print Industry Award for Outstanding Achievement at the Canon Media Awards in 2012. He also accepted the same award on behalf of the NZ Cartoon Archive in 2017. He was awarded the ONZM for services to literature and historical preservation in 2024.

Diane Grant ONZM

Diane, who was a pre-school, secondary and university-extension teacher for many years, is Fraser Books' chief editor. She was awarded the ONZM for services to the community, nationally and locally, especially in the area of learning differences in 2002.


Diane has written four books and often designs as well as edits both fiction and non-fiction titles. She has a B.A. in English (Canterbury).

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